Factors to Consider in Cage Placement
1) Need for more or less constant attention. Does the parrot need me to
walk by a hundred times a day acknowledging they are a good bird.
(2) Need to see all that is going on, let's call it the curiosity-
satisfaction need. Is the parrot nosey and likes to see everything that
is going on or more timid and needing a more seclusive area for its cage.
(3) Need for quiet contemplation. Is the parrot one that needs to gaze
off into the sky a few times each day to think his thoughts and dream his
dreams alone.
(4) Need for security. A really shy parrot would probably need a
corner area for his/her cage with walls on 2 sides.
(5) Need for territorial space satisfaction.
(6) Need to be away from incompatible parrots.
(7) Need to develop emotionally and behaviorally without heavy influence
from flockamtes.
(8) Need to relieve boredom by being at or near an active window to look
out of?
(9) Any other needs to consider ???
Will qualify the above to say that I think all parrots want a wall or at
least a piece of a wall to their backs. If I had a parrot in the center
of a room, I would try to put some furniture up against the cage like a
sofa back or day bed back.
Linda M