Cockatoo Body Language
Stomping the foot - SHHHHH! Be quiet.
Clacking the beak - I am Happy.
Beak Banging - I am happy and may be looking for a mate and using tools to make my banging
noises too.
Grinding the beak - I am sleepy and content.
High pitched squeal - Come get me.
Raising the crest - What???
Fluffing with crest slightly raised - I am something special.
Full fluff, crest erect, wings extended - I am excited or aggressive.
Bobbing their head - Feed me warm moist food.
Raising a wing - Scratch me please or stay away I am afraid of you.
Fluffing the beak feathers- I am relaxing.
Hissing - I Do not like that.
Whining and crying - Pay attention to me, feed me, hold me.
Dancing and strutting - It's great to be alive.