To summarize what we have said about Failure to Thrive Syndrome. Failure
to Thrive is correctly applied to baby birds that fail to develop vigor.
Also we apply it to rescued birds that lose their homes in some instances.
Depression may or may not be a factor in it. Poor diet or change of diet
can contribute to it.
It does occur and is not a myth, although we believe here at that it is seen infrequently. The characteristics
are that the bird is in a new home or surroundings and gets listless.
Refuses to eat on their own and in general seems "depressed." They sleep
more than normal.
We have said that things that help are to feed it baby bird hand feeding
formula, to put it where it can hear other birds although keep it in
quarantine, to place its cage in a high activity area so it can become
socialized with the family, and to give the bird attention. Also, to buy
scales and weigh the bird everyday and look for dehydration in the bird.
Also we have found that touch seems to be the key. Carrying them
with you where they can hear your heartbeat, stroking, massage, rocking
[LOTS of rocking] and especially rubbing their heads. Sing to them and
talk to them and engage them with your charm can help.
All these things we believe are helpful to combat depression and to help
a bird experiencing stress in the new home.
It was also brought to our attention that a bird with this syndrome is
stressed and is more easily compromised by illness and disease so keeping
an eye on its general health is very important.
Linda M