Here is our a list of inexpensive and affordable toys as of 8/25/99
Curly Paper Ribbons (don't let your bird swallow any)
Wooden Spoons
Large plastic LEGOS
Paper Towel Bow Ties
Cloth Bow Ties
Tiny Boxes of raisins
Brown paper bags (not for hormonal or egg laying birds)
Box with a walnut inside
Cotton sock with a walnut in it, tied at top
Stainless Steel large nuts and bolts
Stainless Steel Quick links fastened together
Wood pieces, craft store or clean scraps
Soda Straws (Box and all)
Craft Sticks and popsicle sticks (clean)
Skrunchies (cloth covered ponytail holder and watch your bird does not get it on his leg
or head or body)
Rolled up newspapers through big plastic chain links
Junk Mail
Printer Paper
Untreated dried corn stalks & tamale wrappers
Wooden clothes pins (without any metal)
Ordinary cardboard box with holes in it for hide and seek
Cotton rope tied in several knots and hung
Tree branches - clean with vinegar and bake at 250 for 30 minutes
Plastic Chain
Cardboard Egg Cartons (clean)
(you can hide goodies inside like steel nuts and bolts or dried fruits)
Braided White Tissue Paper (3 sheets together)
Cleaned Rocks and Big Beads (too large to swallow)
Paper Cups and Plates (Without coating)
Plastic Lids
Clean Hair Brushes and Tooth Brushes
Whisk Brooms
Adding Machine Tape
Pine cones
Phone Books to shred only if you verify the print is non toxic! (including the colored ink
NOTE-we removed the paper towel rolls and bathroom tissue rolls from this list as it
was discovered they contained zinc in the glue.