Rosebreasted Cockatoo
a/k/a Galah or Roseate Cockatoo
(Eolophus roseicapillus)
Length - approx. 14 inches
Weight - 300 grams average
Origin and range - All over Australia
Different subspecies exist in various areas of Australia, with
slightly different color variations, eye ring color, body size and plumage and crest type.
Sexually dimorphic by eye color when mature: males with dark rusty
brown iris and the hens have a reddish orange iris. All birds have a
crest that curve-sweeps to the rear. When raised, the crest has a higher portion at the
front and this drops away to shorter feathers in the rear. Basically, the back and wings
and tail are gray, varying from a deep charcoal to a very light fog gray. Their rump is
lighter gray to pearl. The face of an RB2 is pink from beneath the eyes, blending into the
pink of the chest from the base of the beak to the underbelly, which varies in intensity
by individual.
The top of the head and crest is a very light pink. Crest feathers
show pink and white in each feather. Under the wings are pink and the pink sometimes shows
on the top of the shoulder. The eye ring is red
and can vary in color intensity and size between sexes and individuals. The rather small
beak is whitish/pearl and the feet are gray. For their body size, they have rather long,
but not tapered, tails and a wide wing span. This particular type of cockatoo enjoys
flying. An RB2 feels extremely soft to the touch. This is because there
seems to be down at the base of each of its feathers. A happy RB2 will fluff the feathers
around its beak.
This small, extremely gregarious cockatoo lives in flocks all over
Australia, sometimes incorporating other types of TOOS in the flock.
It is generally considered a pest in its homeland because of its appetite for vegetation,
whether it's cultivated crops or weed seeds.
A fun-loving cockatoo with an independent streak, the Rosebreasted
Cockatoo makes an excellent pet. They are not extremely noisy, although they do enjoy
their flap and squawk sessions mornings and evenings. The most pervasive trait of this
type of too is that they lead with their beak at all times. While not intending to bite,
the RB2 will nip or nibble everyone and everything it can come in contact with. As
primarily a ground feeder, the beak of the RB2 is its sensory organ. Owners report that
the birds have to touch and taste and feel everything with their little sharp beaks. They
will indicate with that ivory beak that they need more patting, skritching or kissing.
They may want to remove every mole and freckle on your body!
RB2s can be feisty and full of themselves, unafraid of anyone, but
still want their primary person nearby. They make sounds unlike any other TOOs, very high
pitched and cute, but not screaming. Some RB2s speak words, with a voice described as like
a cartoon character. They enjoy dancing and swinging from ropes or their owner's hand. If
allowed, an RB2 would spend a great deal of time on the floor.
RB2s freely make friends with other (friendly) birds and other
household pets and children. Of course, such camaraderie should be
supervised at all> times. If there is some kind of mischief a bird can get into, an RB2
will find it. Household plants are in danger of demolition from the beak of an RB2.
Housing for an RB2 should ideally be longer rather than high, and
any grate on the floor of the cage should have a very small grid. The cage should be as
large as possible, with enough room for the bird to flap its wings comfortably from any
position. Some RB2s enjoy a snuggle hut to sleep in. A variety of perches, swings, and
toys should be provided.
Another major difference between the RB2 and other birds is their
need for a low fat diet. Check the ingredient breakdown of whatever
pelleted food you buy to be sure it is no more than 4% fat. Supplement that with fresh
foods, greens, fruits, vegetables, bean mixes, pasta, birdie bread, and so on. Chicken,
lamb and steak bones are also occasionally welcomed. Give the widest variety of food you
can to keep your bird's interest piqued.
Because the RB2's beak needs exercise, toys should include soft wooden things that can be
easily destroyed. They appreciate having greens and stalk vegetables, as well as other
fresh foods on a skewer. That particular device keeps the food from being tossed from the
dish and is an indispensable tool with this type of bird. RB2s are also fond of
interactive toys like the birdie jukebox.
They are not love sponges like the rest of the toos, but love to
give kisses and no bird loves a head scratch as much as a Rosie. They are very active and
have short attention spans. They always seem to have someplace to go and something to do!
They can let themselves out of a cage if the latch isn't reinforced.
Surprisingly, it is reported that an RB2 is the most likely of the
cockatoos to become phobic. It is believed that is because some owners treat them as
Velcro birds, which they are not.
Anyone looking for an RB2 as a pet should seek a reputable breeder who raises the babies
with abundant weaning concept, with love and
socialization. Early upbringing is critical. But cautious, not
impulsive, with your purchase of an RB2. Take note of special dietary
requirements, its ground-feeding nature, and read everything you can to prepare for it
before you get one home. The current price for an RB2 seems to be around $1,500. With all
the peripheral costs (toys, cage, vet, food, supplements, and so on), a few hundred one
way or the other shouldn't be a critical factor in where you buy. Just be sure the
background is right.
Written by Kay Martin