These are the things we try to teach, our baby parrots:
1 To step up to my hand
2 To come when called
3 To wear their harness and leash safely
4 To play with toys
5 To eat a variety of foods
6 To bite toys and not me
7 That sitting on my shoulder is a treat, not a right
8 To do conditioned screaming
9 To go to other people that say "step up"
10 To like a towel
11 To eat from a spoon
12 Their names, parrots need an identity
13 To step up to a stick or a towel over my hand
14 To take food from hand to help keep them tame
15 The concept of gentle with those mighty beaks
16 To stop on command by raising the hand, palm up, in the usual manner and say STOP.!